Orbital Welding Bug
The Comet is a versatile, automated all positional welding system featuring an on- board programable controller for all essential welding. The Comet is supplied in left and right hand versions to allow silmultaneous pipe welding by two units from one guide track.
- Up to 5 times faster normal electrode welding
- Increases efficiency up to 70%
- Easy operation and set up. Welder can be fully trained in one day.
- Modular design
- On board 5kg wire spool
- Fully Programmable with user friendly hand held programmer
- Long 50mm travel on in/out & up/down modules for use on heavy wall
- Fully sealed electrical to meet Military spec for maximum life in harsh environments.
- Runs off any powersource and process including Lincoln STT & Miller RMD, All Flux cored processes on most makes.