Standard Tee Pulling Balls - Extra Sizes
Standard Tee Pulling Balls are available in extra sizes including 5"and 6" variations.
The Standard Tee Pulling Balls are an optional accessory to the Tee Pulling Standard Kit which is designed to let you work smarter by creating even clean outlets inexpensively, efficiently and with ease.
Branch Pulling kit dimension chart
Orbimax Standard Tee Pulling Kit
Six different sizes of case-hardened branch forming balls (1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3 and 4 inch).
The Orbimax Standard Tee Pulling Kit also known as a Branch Forming Kit is a manual system for pulling tees and forming outlets in many different materials such as stainless steel and copper.
Available separately are 5" and 6" branch forming balls, and stainless steel saddles designed to guide your branches as you form them.
The Orbimax Standard Tee Pulling Kit helps you create a repeatable, effective process for forming branches with high-quality precision ensuring you get maximum output for minimum effort.
Almost failsafe, the simplistic technique guarantees that even those with little to no experience can create a high-quality branch easily and quickly.
The Orbimax Standard Tee Pulling Kit will pay for itself before you know it.
Made from case hardened steel for longevity and designed and manufactured in Australia you can be assured of quality.
The kit will speed up the process of forming a tee and is easy to use, allowing inexperienced operators to form a branch in minutes.
Designed to achieve a clean form the Orbimax Standard Tee Pulling Kit includes a custom designed case hardened steel thrust plate which distributes the forces applied when forming a tee.
When combined with the optional accessory saddles the branch is cleanly formed with neat edges ready for welding.
Saddles are designed to help create the perfect tee form. As the forming ball is pulled through, the saddle holds the shape and improves the overall finish.
Standard pulling balls have an extra length of case hardened steel (approximately 10 to 12mm long) that provides a flat surface after the ball reaches the correct size, ensuring a quality finish to the end result.
An Under Size Tee Pulling Ball removes this flat area, allowing, for example; a 2" forming ball to fit inside a 2"pipe.
Because forming a new branch only takes a matter of minutes and creates a fully functional and high-quality branch, you can spend more of your valuable time on other parts of your job that can’t be automated.