Free up your skilled welders through automation
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Achieve the perfect weld, improve productivity, and grow your business through automated welding solutions.
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Take your business to the next level – 4 ways to optimise your workspace
Posted by Orbimax Marketing on
In any industry, an optimal workspace means it’s easier to work and be more productive. When you don’t have to be concerned about safety, comfort, access to the right equipment or peripheral issues related to the work environment, you can focus and get on with the task at hand. A welding workshop is no different and having your space optimised means a higher rate of productivity.
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Weld 5 times faster than manual SMAW - Meet Rotoweld
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With minimal training and experience needed, the Rotoweld is the large diameter pipe welder of the future, for consistent and precise welding, its ease of use is unmatched. Setting the standard in welding innovation.
Four ways to improve welding efficiency
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With tooling and equipment designed to improve efficiency, achieve the perfect weld and Weld Smarter with Orbimax.
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Get ahead of your competitors with welding automation.
Posted by Orbimax Marketing on
Automation helps businesses create a competitive advantage, which frees up the highly skilled welding professionals so they can focus on performing more challenging and often, more time involved tasks.
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